What does Breast Cancer mean?
Breast cancer means a cancerous (causing infiltration and destruction of tissue) growth that originates in breast tissue.
Whom does it affect the most?
The risk of breast cancer increases with increasing age, mostly among females.
How does Breast Cancer progress?
Usually an excess of estrogen stimulates the growth of the tumour.
What are the causes of Breast Cancer?
The causes are
- Positive family history.
- Early menarche
- Late menopause.
- First child after thirty years of age.
- Excessive body fat.
- Prolonged use of oral contraceptive pills.
- Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for 10 years or more.
- Oncogenes
What are the symptoms of Breast Cancer?
The symptoms are
- A painless lump in the breast
- Dimpling of the skin in the area of the lump that looks like orange peel.
- Inversion of the nipple.
- A bloodstained nipple discharge.
- Pain in breast.
- In Paget’s disease: patch of dry, flaky skin on the nipple. A change in the appearance or texture of the breasts.
- Cachexia
- General symptoms: malaise (weariness) :loss of appetite, fatigue, thirst, fever
Important things one should know about Breast Cancer?
One needs to know about the complementary therapies that can help in the healing process.
- Relaxation exercises
- Meditation
- Psychological counseling.
- Family and colleagues support
Terminal care
- Psychological support
- Appropriate nutrition
- Treatment of cough, pruritis and nausea
- Family and friend’s support